Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

Hey, I just wanted to say that I won't be posting weekly sayings for about a month but I will resume hopefully, and Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New saying

sorry about last week but I was doing things so I didn't get to post a new saying but here is this weeks. "My perception on life solely depends on how much sugar I've had."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Apple tm

I'm just here to say that I love how Apple tm is always adding more apps to the app store. Yes, I have an Ipod touch  and I love it. please send me your thoughts in the comments section. I also really need followers for my blog or else I might stop bloging and I think you people don't want that, do you.


truthfully, the story about Tiger Woods, now I'm not one to judge and sure he did some bad stuff but I don't really care about that right now. I care about how the world is in a recession and we are nearing a full out war. we need to keep our noses in our own buissness and try and stimulate the economy. We can do this by giving small tidbit's to the poor this christmas, and take pity on those who deserve it. So I'm asking you guys to chill and be happy this christmas.

Merry christmas, and a happy new year.

Please follow my blog.

New saying

Hey everybody, It's time for the weekly saying

saying: "Therapy is expensive, bubblewrap is free"

I hoped you are all liking my blog and please follow my blog and please check out my website.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Hey people I am just wondering if anyone would like to become a follower pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee

Thursday, December 3, 2009

come on

Hey, people I've got some new info on the blog i'll be giving weekly phrases for you guys and girls but sometimes I won't so don't get upset. I need some followers so if you can please follow my blog thanks.

                                 Here is the weekly saying/advice- "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog". Quoted from my friend with his permission.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

candy memoires

My Candy Memoirs

Coffee Crisps are one of my favourite chocolate bars. The first time I ate one was spectacular! Not long ago, I ate my first Coffee Crisp and man was it good!

I always thought that Coffee Crisps taste like coffee and I didn't like that, but when I finally had one I loved it. I found out that the whole coffee taste theory was incorrect, so no worries about that. I like them because of their chocolate outside and crunchy middle. Tasty, tasty!

I'm sure there are other sweets out there that are just waiting for me to eat them, but for now I'm sticking with Coffee Crisps. They are truly one of my favourite chocolate bars. `
this is what I think of my dad (he rules)

this is the bb gun me and my friend plan to build

first bloggation

well it's my first blog but I hope you like it and please visit my other site, Thanks!